Thursday, November 24, 2011

Choose backup and recovery tools - MOSS 2007

Backup script using STSADM

@echo off
echo ===============================================================
echo Back up the farm to C:\backup
echo ===============================================================
cd %COMMONPROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\BIN
@echo off
stsadm.exe -o backup -directory "\backup" -backupmethod full
echo completed

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The RSS Viewer web part is missing from the "Add Web Part" menu

To fix this -
In order to use the RSS Viewer on a publishing site, you need to go to your top level site, select "Site Actions"-->"Site Settings"-->"Modify All Site Settings".
Under "Site Collection Administration", click "Site Collection Features" and enable "Office SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection features".
If the issue persists then do the following-

1. In SharePoint Central Administration, go to Operations.

2. Under "Upgrade and Migration" select "Enable Features On Existing Sites".

3. Select the checkbox and click OK.